Under the epidemic situation, precision casting enterprises should break through this way


According to the latest data released by the precision casting branch of China Foundry Association in June 2020, China's precision casting industry, after experiencing the rapid growth of gold in 2008-2018, ushered in a turning point in 2019, and the whole industry fell by 4.8% in the whole year, showing a negative growth for the first time in nearly 20 years. Under the severe situation of global epidemic situation in 2020, what are the methods for domestic precision casting enterprises to break the situation? Based on the development trend of domestic precision casting industry, this paper introduces in detail how to use new technical means to improve business interests and tide over difficulties.


Global precision casting industry encounters turning point in 2020

Development trend of global precision casting industry in 2011-2018 (unit: 100 million US dollars)

According to the data released by the precision casting branch of China Foundry Association in June 2020, the total revenue of the global precision casting industry in 2018 reached 14.2 billion US dollars, an increase of 3.1% compared with the US $13.7 billion in 2017. Among them, high value-added products account for 57% of the total output value, auto parts account for 14% and general parts account for 29%. The whole industry is developing steadily. The steady development of global precision casting industry is closely related to the rapid development of global aerospace and automobile manufacturing industry. According to statistics, during the 10 years from 2008 to 2017, the delivery of global commercial aircraft increased by 1.9 times. Aerospace demand accounted for 39% of the total output value of the global precision casting industry, and the total growth of the automobile industry reached 38%, accounting for 14% of the total output value.

The new epidemic situation has a great impact on the global aviation and space transportation industry

According to the statistics of the International Air Transport Association, the total output value of the global aviation and transportation industry in 2020 will decrease by 419 billion US dollars compared with that in 2019, of which, only 20% in April, is expected to be difficult to recover to the level of 2019 before 2023.

The aircraft delivery in the first half of 2020 is also relatively worrisome. According to statistics, Airbus only received orders for three commercial large aircraft in the first half of 2020, while Boeing has not yet received aircraft orders, which is far from the delivery of more than 100 aircraft in 2019.

Under the situation that the global epidemic situation is still severe, the trade friction between China and the United States has not eased in the short term. The export business, which accounts for about 52% of the total domestic investment casting output value, is facing unprecedented challenges.


How to deal with the increasingly severe situation in domestic precision casting industry

In 2019, China's precision casting industry has reached a turning point, with the annual gross output value falling by 4.8%, which is the first time that the domestic precision casting industry has experienced negative growth in the past 20 years.

Main influencing factors

Overall overcapacity, oversupply

Each province has carried out environmental improvement and rectification work in 2019. There is a lack of high-end casting technology, and the R & D investment is insufficient. The overall decline of manufacturing and automobile industries. The business contraction caused by Sino US trade friction

According to the Research Report of 34 leading precision casting enterprises in China, more than 60% of the enterprises whose total export accounts for more than 50% of the total turnover, and 52% of the total output value relies on export. Under the situation that the global epidemic situation is still severe in 2020, how to find a new industry growth point and enhance the core competitiveness is the key to break the situation for precision casting enterprises.


Mining key industries


In the next 20 years, the total amount of commercial aircraft procurement will reach 9.04 trillion US dollars, accounting for 4.6% of GDP

The investment of military equipment is increasing year by year, and the integration of military and civil manufacturing brings benefits

The future volume of aerospace industry is huge, and the gradual transformation of key components from import to localization will bring huge market opportunities

Automobile manufacturing

In 2019, the total output value of global auto parts in the field of precision casting will reach 3.46 billion US dollars, an increase of 44.2% compared with 2015

As the world's largest automobile consumer and producer, China's matching market is huge

The export of domestic car brands has increased, and self-developed engine has become a trend. Even if the overall industry declines in 2020, there will still be great development opportunities in the future market

medical apparatus and instruments

In 2018, medical devices accounted for 17% of the total output value of global precision casting

With the continuous improvement of medical level, the aging trend is obvious, and the demand for various medical devices is increasing

The export volume of medical technology and equipment is on the rise as a whole


Enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises

Technical capability

Enhance the technological innovation ability of enterprises in equipment, materials, testing and other links, and cut into the field of high value-added products

Technology R & D is involved in product R & D stage, and goes deep into high-end fields such as engine development

Provide complex casting services (such as composite casting, end use parts, multi material composite parts, etc.), reduce user costs and improve operating profits

Service capability

Improve the overall supply chain capacity and provide supporting service solutions

Ensure product quality and consistency of each batch of products

Strengthen the training of on-site technical talents, process and control personnel, and build the core service ability advantage

The attempt of new technology

Try to use 3D printing technology to reduce production difficulty and improve product quality, such as using non-metallic 3D printing technology to make mold and cavity, using metal 3D printing technology to repair castings and produce final parts.

Strengthen the simulation and intelligent research, in addition to simulating the mold, it can also simulate the process of each link, and provide better solutions in time

Try a variety of new detection technologies, such as CT, ultrasonic and X-ray

Multi variety and small batch

Differentiation competition, multi variety, small batch as the core competitiveness

Fast response mechanism, timely adjust according to the needs of users, seize the opportunity

For users to save costs at the same time to provide more economic value for themselves


3D printing technology brings new growth to precision casting industry
